A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Blog Post 5: Driving Questions Answered

1.) Why should teachers use technology to communicate with students, parents and peers?
Teachers should use technology for communication because it is easily accessible and provides faster methods for communication. E-mails can be sent at any time of the day or night and can be received through a mobile device or once the e-mail account is opened. The best part about communication through technology is that messages can be saved and accessed through any computer or internet source. With technology a teacher has the power to contact many students, parents and peers at once or maintain private conversations with specific individuals.

2.) Which technology tools have the greatest potential to improve communication between teachers and others?
Blogs and school webpages have the best potential for improving communication between teachers and others, but only if they are used correctly. How the information is presented on a blog is extremely important in the navigation and readability of it. If a blog isn't pleasant to look at then less people are likely to view it. However productive blogs can provide an abundance of information that will give parents, teachers and students all the information necessary for success. School webpages give anyone the ability to contact teachers and staff. Also if teachers have blogs then they can provide a link from the school website to their classroom blog.

3.) How do these tools improve communication?
School webpages improve communication because they provide public information of the events that are going on within the school. This gives parents the ability to access school event information online rather than just waiting for a flyer to be brought home by their child. Also webpages can inform students and parents of emergencies such as school closures. As I mentioned before, teachers who create classroom blogs can link class blogs to school webpages. This not only benefits parents and students, but other teachers can use blogs as a means for collaboration. Teachers can post all in class material online, which not only informs parents of classroom activities, but gives students access to worksheets that can be printed at home.