A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.

A Closer Look

Integrating technology into the classroom has been a struggle for school because funding and maintaining the technology is an issue. Schools are continuing to lose their funding every year, which makes purchasing modern technology even more difficult. When purchasing technology schools must not only account for the initial cost of the hardware, but the upkeep and training as well. If teachers are not properly trained on the new technology then the machinery will not be use to its full potential. There must be a plan for schools to balance funds in order to keep them from wasting precious funding. To get the maximum 3-5 years of hardware life out of technology schools must set aside funding for upgrades. Another issue with funding is the concern for how it is being distributed between schools. Some schools only have local and state taxes as well as school fundraising to support their programs throughout the year. This leaves little money for maintenance of machinery, let alone the purchase of new technology. Schools must compete for grants for additional funding and according to the Competitive Stimulus Grants webpage it is clear that Florida is receiving much more money than Montana.

Schools that can afford technology and create a well rounded budget to fund its integration, find it to be helpful and easy to use. A single piece of technology can be greatly beneficial to a classroom, but the best part about technology is that additional attachments can be used. This has greatly contributed to the sustainability of a classroom and the technology it uses. Majority of technology can be used in most, if not all content and subject areas. It is the teachers job to implement their training of the technology into the classroom as best they can. Document cameras have been a great addition to the classroom because they allow teachers to project documents and 3D objects under a lends onto a large screen or wall. This cuts down on the amount of paper used by schools. The less waste that a school produces the more it helps our environment.

The integration of technology has also contributed to the rise of going green efforts being incorporated into schools. On the Recycle Now School website, "The average secondary school produces 22kg of waste per pupil each academic year. The figure for primary schools is even higher at 45kg per pupil." Schools have been doing their best to integrate technology as a way to cut down on paper usage. Recycling programs have been created to not only educate students about reusable materials, but get them actively involved in making a difference. Teachers can help with going green by reducing the amount of materials that they use within the classroom. If computers are easily accessible for students, teachers should consider creating classroom blogs and making majority of material electronic. As helpful as technology is, it can still contribute to waste production if used carelessly or recklessly. Schools must have a plan for purchasing and using technology so it is used to its maximum capability. 

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