A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.


There is no easy solution for closing the digital divide gap, if there was then it would have been administered by now. In order to improve funding for schools there needs to be more federal funding given to schools by the government. Although the military is an important defense system for the United States, it shouldn't receive over half of the Discretionary Spending of our country. Education for our youth is important and the more money we take away from schools the more we are hurting ourselves in the long run. States need to stop cutting taxes and put more money towards the education of our future leaders.

In a country that strives for equality, there is no equality in letting states develop their own budgets for schools. Each state has a different view on education and what they feel is important. States need to develop similar budgets for states so that the quality of education remains the same throughout the country. There also needs to be a general budget for schools in order to help them get the most out of their funding. Some schools are putting way too much money towards technology and not saving enough for other areas that need development. As mentioned in the article Sustainability In Schools, some schools think that sustainability "is solely addressing the school facility design and construction. A common national understanding of sustainability in a K-12 schools context is lacking." Schools need to realize that sustainability should be used throughout every system in a school, not just for specific areas of development.

With the integration of technology into schools, schools should also assimilate going green methods in order to sustain the life of their technology. Going green efforts cannot only help with technology, but with saving resources as well. In the article Green Your Classroom, Rainforest Alliance provides teachers with helpful ways to go green throughout a facility, during lunch times, when using technology and ways to minimize paper waste. If all schools made these easy changes to go greener and reduce the amount of trash that they are producing, then the U.S. would be at less risk for using up all its natural resources. Teaching students about the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling at a young age will help them carry out those same habits as they grow up. Going green is a way of life and our planet has a better chance of survival if we do our part to reuse as much waste as we possibly can. Laziness is not an excuse for the downfall of our natural resources. This is our planet and we must be more concerned about how our actions are affecting the ecosystems and natural resources around us.