A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog Post 3: Evaluating Educational Blogs

Blogging and School Administrators - NEEDS WORK!
The main reason that this blog doesn't work is that it is not visually appealing. The layout is extremely plain and the bright orange is more distracting than alluring. Also the light grey font doesn't make the entrees look very interesting. There are no pictures anywhere on this blog, except for a visitors map at the very bottom. It is hard to tell what this blog is even about because the entrees have nothing to do with school administrators. The entrees are a mix of news reports, identifying new technologies and personal posts, which is confusing for me as a reader. It is also fairly obvious that the creator copied and pasted some sections into the blog because the formatting is different. In order to make this blog better I would suggest that the person start over and clearly identify the purpose of this blog. It would also be good to add some pictures and consider the viewers and what they would find appealing. The text of the blog should also be the same color and font, with highlight on only certain words or phrases, not paragraphs.

Betty's Timely Teacher Talk - Works 
This blog is nice and clean with clear titles to each entree. You can easily navigate this blog and see previous or popular entrees that have been posted. Each entree has a different story about something Betty has encountered or a topic she is particularly passionate about. She is very opinionated, but she never speaks negatively about anyone else or incorporates names within her stories. They are all good entires that provide useful information. Another good source of information on Betty's blog are the multiple Navigation and Educational blog links that are down the left column. The layout is pleasant to view and the color scheme complements the class room photo on the header. It is easy to read this blog because the text is consistently the same color, font and size per section. A nice addition to each post are the links leading to other helpful websites. This blog is very helpful in its simplicity. 

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